(👇swipe thru below for a sample of what the guide looks like👇)
shop equipment
My curated selection of effective, quality equipment I swear by. These are key items for internal and external health and strength. The *discount codes and links are easy to access, and bonus, you’re supporting small businesses, too.
*I receive a small referral fee for purchases made thru affiliate links

De-Puffing Kit
The Ashley Borden X Rollga De-Puffing kit is my hand selected, all-in-one massage, stretch and strengthen kit. It’s a treasure trove of full body goodness, and delivered in its own easy to carry bag.
Discount code: Already applied at checkout

Rollga Foam Roller
The unique design of this roller is shaped like a massage therapist thumb working into your body. You never hit any boney parts of your body (your spine etc) and experience relief like never before. Feeling is believing!
Discount code: ASH20ROLLGA (20% off any roller)