Hot at Home Bundle

Hot at Home is a four-part training series that builds on itself to help you become the best athlete possible in your own home. Each series lasts 12 weeks and includes three one-hour workouts per week. The workouts are designed to be done indoors with limited equipment. There are no outside components.  

Hot at Home 1.0: Beginner

  • Simple enough for beginners, challenging enough for the experienced 
  • Establish a foundation of movement patterns and requisite strength
  • Begin building aerobic and work capacity
  • Develop true core strength in three four-week cycles: weeks 1-4 core isolation, weeks 5-8 core stabilization, weeks 9-12 core integration

Hot at Home 2.0: Intermediate

  • Continue developing strength and work capacity
  • Introduce tempo to solidify better movement patterns
  • Incorporate compound movements for added neuromuscular challenge and energy output

Hot at Home 3.0: Advanced

  • Diversify workout structures
  • Introduce MetCons with varying time domains and more dynamic structures
  • Add complexity to movement patterns with unilateral and asymmetric weight loading (shoulder and waist height)

Hot at Home 4.0: Advanced

  • Continue to diversify workout structures
  • Add increased complexity to movements for stronger core with unilateral movements/asymmetric weight load (shoulder/overhead height)
  • Vary workout volume and push lactic threshold.

Equipment needed:

  • Flat bench
  • 3 sets of dumbbells:
    Light: women (3-5 lbs) men (5-8 lbs)
    Medium: women (8-12 lbs) men (15-20 lbs)
    Heavy: women (20-25 lbs) men (30-45 lbs)
  • Full length foam roller


$156.00 USD

Ready to supercharge your fitness journey? Add the S.O.S. Food Plan to your program and maximize your results!

You'll get:

  • Over 80 pages of nutrition support & information
  • 50 yummy recipes
  • Pescatarian and Flexitarian menus
  • 2 weeks of food plans
  • Detailed supermarket list
  • Practical behavioral solutions around food
  • so much more!

Upgrade now and fuel your workouts, start living and enjoying real food. Stop chasing the food dragon, once and for all.