$397.00 USD

I understand and acknowledge that fitness training involves risk of injury. As an inducement to Ashley Borden Fitness and Lifestyle, LLC (“Company”) to provide the services of Ashley Borden (“Trainer”) to assist me in fitness training, in addition to
paying Company the stated fee associated with the fitness training, I hereby agree to each of the following statements and indicate so by selecting the checkbox below.

I am currently in good health, above the age of eighteen (18) years of age, and hereby declare myself to be physically sound & suffering from no condition, impairment, disease, infirmity, or other illness that would prevent or impair my participation in any fitness training activities. I do hereby acknowledge that I have been informed of the recommendation that I obtain a physician’s approval prior to my participation in any fitness training activity. I also acknowledge that it has been recommended that I have a yearly or more frequent physical examination and consultation with my personal physician as to physical activity, exercise, so that I might have recommendations concerning these activities. I acknowledge that I have either had a physical examination and have been given my physician’s permission to participate, or that I have decided to participate without the approval of my physician and do hereby assume all responsibility for my actions and physical conditions arising from any participation in the fitness training.

[MOM 4.0]

Congratulations on joining Muscles Over Menopause 4.0 💥

Stay tuned for more info and so pumped for this next round! In the mean time here is the schedule and remember, everything is organized and on replay for you as well...


[MOM] 4.0 Workout + Special Guest Schedule:

On Ramp, Strength Exercise Review Week 1: 2/10-2/15

  • Monday (CORE/FOAM ROLLING) 9am pst | 12pm est

  • Wednesday (LOWER BODY) 9am pst / 12pm est

  • Saturday (UPPER BODY) 9:30am pst | 12:30pm est

Week 2: 2/17 - 2/22

  • Monday 9am pst | 12pm est

  • Wednesday 9am pst / 12pm est

  • Saturday 9:30am pst | 12:30pm est

Week 3: 2/25 - 3/1

  • Monday 9am pst | 12pm est

  • Wednesday 9am pst / 12pm est

  • Saturday 9:30am pst | 12:30pm est

Week 4: 3/3 - 3/8

  • Monday 9am pst | 12pm est

  • Wednesday 9am pst / 12pm est

  • Saturday 9:30am pst | 12:30pm est

Week 5: 3/10 - 3/15

  • Monday 9am pst | 12pm est

  • Wednesday 9am pst / 12pm est

  • Saturday 9:30am pst | 12:30pm est

Felice Gersh, M.D.- Dual Board Certified, Integrative Medicine / OB-GYN (Special Guest Q +A) - 2/26

Kim Shapira, M.S., R.D - Nutrition / Practical Mindset (Special Guest Q+A) - 2/13


Let's go!! 



What People Are Saying about [MOM]:

All these [form] changes have made me feel so different so fast thank u

MOM Member

"I'm a little sore but in a good way! I loved the workout! So excited for this program- Ashley, your cueing and coaching is super helpful!"

Crystal T.

"I feel different just by doing these workouts."

Missy C.

"I did (the workout) this morning and found it challenging for sure but definitely doable, and I loved hearing you while doing it."

Tracy M.

"Sweaty… after doing day 1! Challenging, but felt great!"